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The Dance Complex: Black Dance Boston: Hip Hop: An Elemental Love

MC'ing, DJ'ing, Graffiti, Dance, and Knowledge -- These are the five elements of Hip Hop.  For close to five decades now, rhymes, beats, top rocks, and street art have been the artistic outlets for a culture based on peace, love, unity, and having fun (the four principles of Hip Hop).  Moreover, Hip Hop has reached every part of the globe, a unique kind of ambassador that can call to it people from all walks of life who want to feel the joy, the expression, the liberation that it offers.  When you move beyond likes, reposts, and hashtags, you can start to allow yourself to get to know Hip Hop more intimately. You might learn a bit more about its history, its complexity, its beauty.  

In a two-night event, Boston-based Black Hip Hop artists offer a snapshot of their relationship with Hip Hop, a love story they reveal through their mastery of one the elements of Hip Hop. Through lyrics, beats, visual arts, and groove, artists will share how they love Hip Hop and how Hip Hop helps affirm their Black identity.  MCs, DJs, Dancers, and Graffiti artists will weave this multi-modal story on stage at the Starlight Theatre October 16 & 17.  Your head will bop, your fingers will snap, and your hearts will open.

This event is curated by Aysha Upchurch, The Dancing Diplomat, with additional sponsorship from HipHopEX, an intergenerational classroom that centers Hip Hop in education. 


Presenting organization: The Dance Complex