3NITY means state of being three. Their music is influenced by Latin, American and African genres. 3NITY is more than a group, it is a female movement that is working towards amplifying women's voices in the Music Business. 3NITY is a safe space that encourages women to continue working in music despite this Industry "dominated by men".
3NITY is the first latin female band in the Boston area. and it is formed by talented, educated and well-known latin female musicians in Boston: Zahili Zamora (pianist/vocalist), and Irisley Gomez (bassist/vocals), from Cuba, Zayra Pola (drummer/Vocalist) and Fabiola Mendez (cuatro/vocals) from Puerto Rico, Karolina Meireles (percussion) from Brazil and Anggie Obin (flute) from Panama. Their music has a unique mix of all different cultures and influences.
Limited Walk-up Tickets Available
Presenting Organization: Central Square Theater